

Thursday 3 May 2012

Little Mountain TT

Always one of my favourite events, not sure why if I am really honest, I am nowhere near the best at climbing hills, and this event includes a couple of nasty ones, which are timed as well just to make them that little bit more unpleasant. It is organised by my coach Ruth, so no doubt that plays a part.

Having done it for the last 2 years, and having mixed results, I was hoping improvements in me would result in a better result than I managed last year, which was 6th. Looking at the start sheet, I wasn't expecting to win, Matt Clinton was last years winner, and he again was taking part. He has been a National Hill Climb Champion, so I knew I would drop a bucket load of time on the hills to him, and he isn't a shabby tester either, so I doubted I would make up any time on the rolling sections.

The weather forecast for the Sunday up in Worcester was horrendous to say the least, and I suppose in normal circumstances I would have been a DNS (Did Not Start), but as I was due up north for work anyhow, I decided to travel up and see what it was like. There was constant rain and strong winds all the way from Kent, and as I got further north the colder it got, with my car temperature gauge showing 4 degrees by the time I got to Worcester.

The journey up to the HQ took in a small section of the course. The small part I drove along was flooded in places, and the wind seemed very strong looking at the trees. I got to the HQ with heavy rain falling, and I half expected it to be cancelled. After deliberations the race was declared on, with the advise that it was up to the riders to decide if they thought it was safe. Now I must admit I have trained in worse, but it was the worst weather I have raced in, the combination of the heavy rain, strong winds and the sheer bitterness of the northerly wind made this a very challenging day. Add in some flooded sections of road and it was a proper hard sporting TT.

Given the conditions it meant a quick change of tyres, there was no way I was going to be riding a soaking wet TT, with some fast descents on Veloflex Records. So on went the training tyres, they might be heavy and slow rolling, but at least I might get around without hitting the deck, or anything else for that matter.

Not much of a warm up, just a quick spin up and down the road getting colder, I soon lined up. I was feeling fairly confident and happy despite the conditions. The first part is all up hill for a short while, before a fastish descent down to Martley, with you being aided with a tailwind, at Martley turning eastwards, and then getting a crosswind. This is where I first started having some difficulties, with me being buffeted around the road by the cross winds, I think even 50mm wheels were a bad choice, especially with the gusts that caught you out when passing small sections of exposed hedging.

Onto the A443, and this is a fast rolling section normally, but mainly into a headwind, and with flooded sections of the roads, meant it was a real drag to keep up any speed, as you got nearer the HQ at Great Witley the road turned a bit and you got more of a crosswind, and more buffeting. Around the 17 mile mark you actually pass the HQ, now the will power required to not pull in and retire was immense. My only reason for not doing so, was that if I didn't complete the race, I would only have go to out training later, so thought I might as well carry on. I wasn't too cold at this time, though I was thoroughly soaked, and probably a fair few pounds heavier.

The second longer part of the course is the real hilly section of the course, which included 2 timed climbs, but there were other climbs as well. The first of these is just as you turn left to go towards Stanford, and too be honest I found it quite a bit of a challenge, I guess although I wasn't feeling terribly cold, my body really was cold, and it was struggling to get the power out. After this climb you get a great descent, but this year it was not so great, with the buffeting winds and really wet roads, it meant descending on the base bar (I have gone down here on the tri bars in previous years), and on the brakes occasionally. In my mind there was not point in taking stupid risks, I think I had decided by now that a good time was unlikely and at the worst it was going to be a hard training ride.

Standford Bank is the first timed climb, the road starts going upwards before the start of the timed section, and it just seems to sap any strength out of you before you even get to the main part of the hill. It was s low grind up the hill which has sections of 17%, and although I didn't struggle too much here in the 39/23, I wasn't looking forward to the second major climb which in mind is tougher and steeper. Once at the top of Stanford Bank, I was flying again with the tailwind, though it seemed alot colder up here and I started to feel the cold alot more. After a while you again turn eastwards and go across Bromyard Downs, now this really was cold, as hail started stinging my face, and the cold wind really tried to blow you around, at least it was fairly short lived, before you got to the A44 and a large section of downhill.

The next challenge after going downhill for a while, was the nice climb of Ankerdine Hill, it is the sort of hill you would normally hope for a run up at it at speed, unfortunately it starts after a 90 degree bend, so no chance of taking any speed into it. I was straight into the 39/23, but it soon became apparent that this was not a good gear for me, but it was the lowest I had. Up ahead I could see another rider, and I slowly made progress towards him, but at the same time another rider I had passed earlier came back past me, making the hill look easy. As the steepness started to bite I started getting slower and slower, in all honesty I could have probably walked up quicker, but stubbornness wouldn't allow me to get off the bike. I reached the rider in front, but as soon as I tried to overtake him I just seem to stall, but eventually got past, and hit the top of the hill.

Now there was only about 6 miles to the finish, unfortunately all into a very strong headwind, now this wouldn't be so much of an issue, but when cold and wet, it just seemed like a new ice age had started. 3 miles of it is mainly downhill, though it didn't seem like it at the time. Once into Martley and with only 3 miles to go, it would normally be a full on effort and try and get everything out, but it is mainly uphill, and although the hills are nothing to really speak of, they hurt just as much as the two timed climbs. The Beacon RCC kindly put Miles to Go signs out, I have never seen these go by so slowly, and I have never spent so much time in the 39 ring just trying to keep my legs spinning and the bike moving forward. The nicest part of any course is obviously the finish, the LMTT finish is even nicer as it is downhill, and you can get a real flying finish, well you could have done if it wasn't for the headwind LOL.

Back to the HQ, luckily only about 200 yards from the finish, and the difficult job of trying to get yourself sorted out, and getting out of the cold wet skinsuit. Now I knew I was cold, but even with 2 thermal tops on I was freezing, I changed into warm dry clothes, and put on another thermal top, as well as my winter jacket. It still took me about an hour to stop shivering, it is always a odd experience standing looking at the result board and talking to fellow riders whilst your legs and hands move in their own disjointed way.

As for the result, well I was disappointed with my time of 1:52:46, nearly 8 mins down on my previous best, but I was surprised that Dean Robson had pulled out a stunning ride to complete the course in 1:45:52 and win the event. Matt Clinton who I thought would be the winner hands down, had managed only slightly quicker than me with a 1:52:43 for 3rd place. In second place and a great ride on a road bike was Danny Axford with a 1:51:08. Happy with 4th place considering the conditions, which made getting round safely more important that setting the world alight.

As for the timed climbs, well Danny won these in a stunning combined time of 7:53, that was nearly 2 mins quicker than myself, I struggled to do 9:50 (I told you I was rubbish at hills), in fact quite a few of the finishers were quicker than me up the hills. I am just thankful I am pretty quick on the rolling sections to make the time up. I will have to do better next year though if I want a better performance.

So what are my thoughts after the event, it really is a cracking event, a proper sporting course, that mixes the ability to climb well, with the ability to use power and aerodynamics on the more rolling sections. I would recommend everyone to try it at least once, and try and enjoy it. I just hope the weather is never as bad as it was this year though.

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