

Thursday 23 June 2016

Cholmondeley Castle Gauntlet Preview

This weekend I head into my 2nd of the 5 Castle Triathlon Gauntlet races I will be doing this year, it is also the start of a bit of a hectic 5 weeks where I compete at 2 half ironman events with full ironman event in between. This is the part of the season I have always feared if I am honest as I am no spring chicken and the recovery process only gets slower with age.

Obviously I can't go into each as fresh as a daisy, fitness would just drop right off and impact later in the season. After a discussion with Darren about what to do, as the Bastion is the more important race, it was decided to race Cholmondeley Castle slightly tired. Now doing a sprint tri tired is one thing, but a half ironman !!!, I can't say it filled me with much joy but it is what it is. The plan of attack for the race did make me happy though, let's just see how that works out LOL.

With the ironman training fatigue I am not expecting a great race, I will still race hard but ultimately the eye is on the Bastion in just over 2 weeks time. Training has been going great, and after a little bit of a break in Ireland after Lough Cutra it was good to get back into the hard work.

I have never raced at Cholmondeley Castle, so I am looking forward to racing there, luckily I do know what Cheshire roads are like after spending many a week with work based near Crewe. The course doesn't look too hilly and it will be great to attack the bike leg on Sunday. Let's just hope the sun shines on us in Cheshire this weekend.

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